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Suprnova's Ravencoin Pool // Algo: KawPow! // LIVE !
stratum+tcp://rvn.suprnova.cc:8888 -u your_wallet_address -p x
US Server: stratum.us-la1.suprnova.cc:8855 & stratum.us-ny1.suprnova.cc:8855
EU Server: rvn.suprnova.cc:8888
APAC/ASIA Server: stratum.apac-hkg1.suprnova.cc:8855
For Nicehash use Kawpow Algo and Port 8890 !

Suprnova's Ravencoin Pool // Algo: KawPow! // LIVE !
stratum+tcp://rvn.suprnova.cc:8888 -u your_wallet_address -p x
US Server: stratum.us-la1.suprnova.cc:8855 & stratum.us-ny1.suprnova.cc:8855
EU Server: rvn.suprnova.cc:8888
APAC/ASIA Server: stratum.apac-hkg1.suprnova.cc:8855
For Nicehash use Kawpow Algo and Port 8890 !
Round Statistics
Block Statistics | PPLNS Round Statistics | ||
ID | 990,711 | PPLNS Shares | 21,862,273 |
Height | 3,707,300 | Estimated Shares | 22,361,091 |
Amount | 2500.07481684 | Target Variance | 102.28 % |
Confirmations | Confirmed | Block Average | 21,862,303 |
Difficulty | 87348.012202563 | Average Efficiency | 102.28 % |
Time | 2025-02-07 22:07:48 | Target Rounds | 10 |
Shares | 20,679,897 | Seconds This Round | 386,966 |
Finder | siven | Round Variance | 94.59 % |
Round Transactions
User Name | Round Shares | Round % | PPLNS Shares | PPLNS Round % | Variance | Amount |
anonymous | 3,154,649 | 15.25 | 2,649,595 | 12.12 | 79.45 | 302.99603291 |
anonymous | 2,828,057 | 13.68 | 2,390,104 | 10.93 | 79.94 | 273.32177413 |
RafatHaque | 1,874,720 | 9.07 | 1,591,830 | 7.28 | 80.32 | 182.03467079 |
anonymous | 1,864,790 | 9.02 | 1,560,297 | 7.14 | 79.15 | 178.42870763 |
NCG | 1,728,149 | 8.36 | 1,518,546 | 6.95 | 83.12 | 173.65433325 |
u_1 | 1,778,833 | 8.60 | 1,486,701 | 6.80 | 79.06 | 170.01266527 |
siven | 1,582,764 | 7.65 | 1,343,887 | 6.15 | 80.32 | 153.68100453 |
kascheidl | 1,370,945 | 6.63 | 1,160,450 | 5.31 | 80.07 | 132.70399753 |
anonymous | 1,179,911 | 5.71 | 972,285 | 4.45 | 77.95 | 111.18629909 |
Boriscot | 1,090,042 | 5.27 | 923,828 | 4.23 | 80.17 | 105.64497901 |
vilanele | 1,037,323 | 5.02 | 884,609 | 4.05 | 80.67 | 101.16000555 |
anonymous | 813,136 | 3.93 | 813,136 | 3.72 | 94.59 | 92.98673846 |
anonymous | 557,300 | 2.69 | 474,296 | 2.17 | 80.50 | 54.23846563 |
rafuch0 | 543,744 | 2.63 | 461,246 | 2.11 | 80.24 | 52.74611697 |
NIKA | 517,989 | 2.50 | 440,559 | 2.02 | 80.45 | 50.38041843 |
GTAlex | 519,262 | 2.51 | 438,306 | 2.00 | 79.84 | 50.12278922 |
ZucchiniSky | 490,228 | 2.37 | 417,062 | 1.91 | 80.47 | 47.69346702 |
IpolitNasvaev | 457,765 | 2.21 | 363,668 | 1.66 | 75.15 | 41.58748554 |
anonymous | 394,704 | 1.91 | 312,556 | 1.43 | 74.90 | 35.74254488 |
anonymous | 384,579 | 1.86 | 301,850 | 1.38 | 74.24 | 34.51828099 |
r0407 | 337,095 | 1.63 | 286,072 | 1.31 | 80.27 | 32.71398074 |
myravencoin | 313,383 | 1.52 | 243,508 | 1.11 | 73.50 | 27.84651358 |
anonymous | 182,994 | 0.88 | 156,477 | 0.72 | 80.88 | 17.89402499 |
filthathrill | 191,782 | 0.93 | 155,078 | 0.71 | 76.49 | 17.73409196 |
anonymous | 140,531 | 0.68 | 140,531 | 0.64 | 94.59 | 16.07058643 |
anonymous | 160,369 | 0.78 | 134,414 | 0.61 | 79.28 | 15.37102424 |
anonymous | 186,407 | 0.90 | 127,778 | 0.58 | 64.84 | 14.61219853 |
anonymous | 73,424 | 0.36 | 66,714 | 0.31 | 85.95 | 7.62918731 |
tomgla | 19,874 | 0.10 | 19,874 | 0.09 | 94.59 | 2.27278627 |
anonymous | 16,053 | 0.08 | 16,053 | 0.07 | 94.59 | 1.83582144 |
anonymous | 52,434 | 0.25 | 7,181 | 0.03 | 12.95 | 0.82124633 |
anonymous | 1,501 | 0.01 | 1,501 | 0.01 | 94.59 | 0.17169264 |
anonymous | 3,980 | 0.02 | 1,142 | 0.01 | 27.14 | 0.13061166 |
anonymous | 1,139 | 0.01 | 1,139 | 0.01 | 94.59 | 0.13027390 |
Round Shares
Rank | User Name | Valid | Invalid | Invalid % |
1 | anonymous | 3,154,649 | 78,406 | 2.49 |
2 | anonymous | 2,828,057 | 24,021 | 0.85 |
3 | RafatHaque | 1,874,720 | 16,316 | 0.87 |
4 | anonymous | 1,864,790 | 16,929 | 0.91 |
5 | u_1 | 1,778,833 | 7,911 | 0.44 |
6 | NCG | 1,728,149 | 9,545 | 0.55 |
7 | siven | 1,582,764 | 8,667 | 0.55 |
8 | kascheidl | 1,370,945 | 7,882 | 0.57 |
9 | anonymous | 1,179,911 | 34,766 | 2.95 |
10 | Boriscot | 1,090,042 | 6,610 | 0.61 |
11 | vilanele | 1,037,323 | 6,347 | 0.61 |
12 | anonymous | 813,136 | 4,317 | 0.53 |
13 | anonymous | 557,300 | 2,776 | 0.50 |
14 | rafuch0 | 543,744 | 3,527 | 0.65 |
15 | GTAlex | 519,262 | 3,160 | 0.61 |
16 | NIKA | 517,989 | 13,809 | 2.67 |
17 | ZucchiniSky | 490,228 | 3,959 | 0.81 |
18 | IpolitNasvaev | 457,765 | 4,453 | 0.97 |
19 | anonymous | 394,704 | 2,177 | 0.55 |
20 | anonymous | 384,579 | 1,944 | 0.51 |
21 | r0407 | 337,095 | 1,257 | 0.37 |
22 | myravencoin | 313,383 | 2,157 | 0.69 |
23 | filthathrill | 191,782 | 990 | 0.52 |
24 | anonymous | 186,407 | 1,167 | 0.63 |
25 | anonymous | 182,994 | 908 | 0.50 |
26 | anonymous | 160,369 | 1,139 | 0.71 |
27 | anonymous | 140,531 | 1,298 | 0.92 |
28 | anonymous | 73,424 | 1,171 | 1.59 |
29 | anonymous | 52,434 | 165 | 0.31 |
30 | tomgla | 19,874 | 51 | 0.26 |
31 | anonymous | 16,053 | 188 | 1.17 |
32 | anonymous | 3,980 | 0 | 0.00 |
33 | anonymous | 1,501 | 37 | 2.47 |
34 | anonymous | 1,139 | 0 | 0.00 |
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank | User Name | Valid | Invalid | Invalid % |
1 | anonymous | 2,649,595 | 64,445 | 2.43 |
2 | anonymous | 2,390,104 | 21,022 | 0.88 |
3 | RafatHaque | 1,591,830 | 14,701 | 0.92 |
4 | anonymous | 1,560,297 | 14,069 | 0.90 |
5 | NCG | 1,518,546 | 8,582 | 0.57 |
6 | u_1 | 1,486,701 | 6,491 | 0.44 |
7 | siven | 1,343,887 | 7,645 | 0.57 |
8 | kascheidl | 1,160,450 | 6,790 | 0.59 |
9 | anonymous | 972,285 | 32,135 | 3.31 |
10 | Boriscot | 923,828 | 5,426 | 0.59 |
11 | vilanele | 884,609 | 5,354 | 0.61 |
12 | anonymous | 813,136 | 4,317 | 0.53 |
13 | anonymous | 474,296 | 2,440 | 0.51 |
14 | rafuch0 | 461,246 | 2,875 | 0.62 |
15 | NIKA | 440,559 | 13,041 | 2.96 |
16 | GTAlex | 438,306 | 2,574 | 0.59 |
17 | ZucchiniSky | 417,062 | 3,426 | 0.82 |
18 | IpolitNasvaev | 363,668 | 1,681 | 0.46 |
19 | anonymous | 312,556 | 1,627 | 0.52 |
20 | anonymous | 301,850 | 1,560 | 0.52 |
21 | r0407 | 286,072 | 1,013 | 0.35 |
22 | myravencoin | 243,508 | 1,640 | 0.67 |
23 | anonymous | 156,477 | 729 | 0.47 |
24 | filthathrill | 155,078 | 772 | 0.50 |
25 | anonymous | 140,531 | 1,298 | 0.92 |
26 | anonymous | 134,414 | 998 | 0.74 |
27 | anonymous | 127,778 | 793 | 0.62 |
28 | anonymous | 66,714 | 1,078 | 1.62 |
29 | tomgla | 19,874 | 51 | 0.26 |
30 | anonymous | 16,053 | 188 | 1.17 |
31 | anonymous | 7,181 | 37 | 0.52 |
32 | anonymous | 1,501 | 37 | 2.47 |
33 | anonymous | 1,142 | 0 | 0.00 |
34 | anonymous | 1,139 | 0 | 0.00 |